Arghadeep Mazumder



Hello! My name is Arghadeep Mazumder. I am a Data Scientist, Software Developer, and Photographer. I have always had a love for both technology and art, and I am fortunate to be able to pursue both passions in my life.

I am currently working as a Senior Data Scientist at Teraki GmbH. I'm currently involved in developing autnomous delivery vehicles, robots, and drones. One of the main areas of focus Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM), which involves using multiple sensors data to create a map of the surrounding environment and to determine the vehicle's location within that map. I have also developed Localizers, which are algorithms that enable a vehicle to determine its position and orientation relative to a known reference system. In addition, I have experience with obstacle detection, which involves using sensors and machine learning algorithms to identify and classify objects in the environment that may pose a potential hazard to the robot, vehicles, or drones.

I have a strong background in Signal Processing and Computer Vision and have worked on a variety of Computer Vision projects, including object detection, image classification, segmentation, and video tracking. I have worked on quantizing neural netowrk models which helps to run real-time on embedded devices like Raspberry Pi and NVidia Jetson Nano.

As a Software Developer, I have experience mostly in C++ and Python. I have worked on a variety of projects, from building software to designing and implementing autonomous driving. I have a strong background in Mathematics, Signal Processing, Image Processing, Point Cloud Procesing, Machine Learning and enjoy the challenge of solving complex problems through code.

I did my Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) in Electrical Engineering from West Bengal University of Technology (W.B.U.T) and Master of Science(M.S) in Geodesy and Geoinformation Science (Specialization: Computer Vision and Machine Learning) from Technical University of Berlin with a specialization in Computer Vision and Machine Learning.

In addition to my work as a Data Scientist, I am also a passionate photographer. I love nothing more than capturing the beauty and emotion of a moment through my lens. Whether I am working on a personal project or on assignment for a client, I approach each photo shoot with enthusiasm and a dedication to capturing the perfect shot.

I hope you will take a moment to browse through my portfolio and see some of my favorite photographs. Thank you for visiting my page!

Data Scientist & Software Developer.

  • Birthday: February, 1990
  • Website:
  • Phone: +4915XXXXXXX60
  • City: Berlin, Germany
  • Age: 34
  • Degree: Master of Science
  • Email:
  • Company: Teraki GmbH




Arghadeep Mazumder

Highly motivated and detail-oriented software engineer with 4+ years of experience in the industry. Proficient in Python and C++ and experienced in designing, developing, and implementing software solutions for a variety of clients. Strong problem-solving skills and a passion for continuous learning and professional development.


Master of Science (Geodesy and Geoinformation Science)

2016 - 2020

Technische Universitat Berlin, Germany

Specialization: Computer Vision and Machine Learning

Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering)

2008 - 2012

West Bengal University of Technology, Kolkata, India


National Conference on Control Communication and Device Electronics, VOL 3, July


Concept towards Traditional Water Supply System using Automation

ULAB Journal of Science and Engineering, Vol 4, November


Prosthetic Arm: Its digital realization

International Journal of Advance Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Vol 2, Issue 10, October


Study on Cardiovascular Disease and Compression of Generalized ECG Signal to Support Biomedical Advancement

International Conference on Information Processing, Springer, Vol 292, August


Study of Sampled Data Control Approach towards Prosthetic Eye Model for Initiating the Non-Deterministic Aspect


Free Space Detection for Autonomous Vehicle using High Frequency Radar Sensor

October 2018 - March 2019
  • Conducted noise reduction on high-frequency radar sensor data and transformed coordinates from the vehicle's coordinate system to the global coordinate system.
  • Implemented kNN, DBSCAN, and grid-based DBSCAN algorithms to detect occupancy.
  • Integrated the prototype with the provided sensor fusion framework.

C++ , Visual Studio, Cloud Compare, Cassandra, LaTeX

Computer Aided Induction Motor Design

September 2011 - April 2012
  • Investigated foundational principles of induction motor design through literature review and analysis.
  • Developed a generalized design framework to accommodate various motor specifications and requirements.
  • Conducted comprehensive performance analysis to optimize efficiency, torque, and power output.
  • Collaborated with industry experts to validate design methodology and refine implementation for real-world applications.

C++, Matlab, LaTeX, AutoCAD


Building Outline Extraction using Convolutional Neural Networks and Their Trasferability to Unseen Areas

August 2019 - January 2020
  • Curated a diverse dataset of 3-band monocular high-resolution satellite images for analysis.
  • Implemented state-of-the-art convolutional neural network (CNN) architectures, including FCN, SegNet, U-Net, Deep Residual U-Net, PSPNet, and Mask RCNN for building footprint extraction.
  • Applied various data augmentation techniques such as random rotation, clipped zoom, flipping, luminance adjustment, histogram equalization, blur, and noise addition to enhance model generalization.
  • Conducted rigorous performance evaluation of the trained models on different satellite image datasets to assess their accuracy and robustness.
  • Investigated the transferability of the trained networks across different geographic regions.
  • Achieved 72% IoU and 97% accuracy from U-Net and 85% IoU and 94% accuracy from Mask RCNN.
  • Github Link

Python, Keras, Tensorflow, OpenCV, Deep Learning, Jupyter Notebook, Google Colab, LaTeX

Professional Experience

Data Scientist

December, 2020 - Present

Teraki GmbH, Berlin, Germany

  • Contributed to the research and development of Autonomous Driving stack in both constrained and unconstrained environments, specifically targeting the Robotics and Logistics industry. Primarily focused on enhancing Map Generation, Localization, Navigation, and Automation capabilities.
  • Implemented a generalized point cloud registration algorithm applicable to both structured and unstructured point cloud data.
  • Engineered a non-linear unconstrained optimization algorithm specifically tailored for point cloud registration tasks targeting precise map generation.
  • Integrated Lidar, IMU, and GPS data to develop a graph based SLAM in order to generate millimeter precise geo-referenced offline point cloud based map for the targeted devices to achieve accurate Navigation.
  • Designed and implemented a point cloud and GPS based Localizer for precise real-time localization.
  • Executed the implementation of a range of grid-based and sampling-based path planning algorithms.
  • Developed and deployed path tracking algorithms tailored for low-speed autonomous robots.
  • Implemented real-time obstacle detection and multi-object tracking systems to ensure safety and enhance situational awareness in autonomous environments.
  • Engineered a mobility platform for robots and forklifts, enabling joystick-based control. Implemented CAN message translation for efficient device operation and maneuverability.
  • Created a user-friendly GUI enabling customers to remotely operate and initiate autonomous driving functionalities with ease.
  • Contributed to the setup and integration of sensors and collecting data for cars, drones, forklift, and robots.

C++, Python, PCL, OpenCV, Eigen, ROS, g2o, Ceres, Git, Docker, Raspberry Pi, Jetson Nano, Jetson Xavier

Computer Vision Engineer

April, 2020 - November, 2020

SONAH GmbH, Aachen Germany

  • Developed depth quantized custom lightweight object detection model for inter-frame tracking on embedded devices.
  • Engineered an inter-frame multi-object tracker to enhance object tracking accuracy.
  • Designed a depth quantized lightweight segmentation model for efficient segmentation tasks.
  • Developed a statistical data analysis tool for object detection and segmentation to mitigate model biases.
  • Engineered a custom object detection model tailored for perspective transformation-based region-of-interest targeting embedded devices.
  • Enhanced existing classifiers through the implementation of case-oriented augmentation schemes.

C++, Python, OpenCV, Keras, Tensorflow, Tensorflow Lite, Git, Docker, Raspberry Pi

Computer Vision Engineer (Internship)

March, 2020 - March, 2020

SONAH GmbH, Aachen Germany

  • Developed custom object detection model for perspective transformation based region-of-interest for embedded device

Python, OpenCV, Tensorflow, Raspberry Pi

Data Scientist (Work Student)

April, 2019 - September, 2019

Teraki GmbH, Berlin, Germany

  • Implemented live streaming of compressed videos from embedded devices to web browsers, focusing on region-of-interest selection using Neural Networks.
  • Contributed to various region-of-interest detection schemes leveraging neural networks.
  • Documented research papers detailing the findings and methodologies.

C++, Python, OpenCV, FFmpeg, Keras, Tensorflow, Flask, NVIDIA Jetson Nano, Raspberry Pi

Data Scientist (Internship)

September, 2018 - March, 2019

Teraki GmbH, Berlin, Germany

  • Contributed to the development of various region-of-interest detection schemes utilizing feature descriptors.
  • Developed a Windows application using C++ to automate the compression of 4K and 1080p videos, focusing on region-of-interest selection.

C++, Python, OpenCV, FFmpeg, Qt Creator, Visual Studio, Raspberry Pi

Junior Manager

July, 2012 - March, 2014

Infrastructure and Energy Services Ltd, Mumbai, India

  • Designed power flow diagrams, wiring diagrams, and electrical schematics for distributed substations.
  • Prepared scope of work, cost estimation, and procured materials for distribution substations.
  • Coordinated technical aspects with clients and design departments.
  • Monitored weekly progress of electrical and instrumentation activities.

Matlab, ETAP, AutoCAD


Welcome to my Photography section! I named my photography section as Pixworm (inspired from the term Bookworm). I have always been fascinated by the power of a single image to capture a moment in time and tell a story. Photography allows me to freeze time and share my perspective with the world.

Currently Reading



Berlin, Germany



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